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All in Deployment Bag INTL

All in Deployment Bag INTL
Buy All in Deployment Bag INTL $450.00 Now!

All in Deployment Bag INTL - $450.00

The ALL IN DEPLOYMENT INTL bag is a rolling closet built to carry everything needed for long missions.

Carry months worth of gear all in one bagMilitary service members are trained to be prepared for anything. From high-pressure missions to natural disasters, they must be ready for months of deployment. The ALL IN DEPLOYMENT INTL bag is a rolling closet built to carry everything needed for those long missions. With its padded duffel straps and removable wheeled frame, you can carry it as a duffel or rolling bag. Its durable construction and reinforced corners are designed to withstand wear from continual travel. And with fewer external pockets, this pack is ideal for commercial airports.