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SharpShoot R: Wipe-Out, 5oz
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SharpShoot R: Wipe-Out, 5oz

SKU: SharpShoot R: Wipe-Out, 5oz | Manufacturer ID: WOA-510

TAKE THE WIPE-OUT CHALLENGE:PUT WIPE-OUT IN A GUN YOU THINK IS CLEAN!. WIPE-OUT(TM) is a revolutionary new product that solves all the problems encountered with conventional bore cleaners. The primary reason for using any type of cleaning preparation in the barrel of a firearm is to remove those agents left behind which would adversely affect the accuracy of the particular firearm and its use life. If this were not the case we could shoot endlessly with no recourse but to bring on more ammunition. Unfortunately, firearms have a fatal flaw. The products of combustion and metal fouling from bullet materials, and carbon which is a product of burning powder, produce a deteriorating effect on the accuracy of a given firearm. As these residues build up inside the barrel; accuracy decreases conversely. It is the removal of these four types of fouling: . Powder fouling (smokeless or blackpowder). Metal fouling (copper or lead alloy). Carbon. Molybdenum (usually introduced by the use of Molybdenum coated bullets), which will restore accuracy in a barrel whose usable life is still viable. Most traditional products were never meant to remove anything other than powder fouling. They were given a pleasant smell, but were totally in-effective for most problems that cause the loss of accuracy. Loss of accuracy is normal in all firearms after they have been used in a prolonged shooting session. The barrel will become fouled with gunpowder residue as a result of combustion, additionally: two other materials are deposited internally to the barrel, carbon and metal fouling from bullet material. Most of the shooters today are aware of metal fouling caused by lead alloy bullets, and copper jackets. They are also aware that powder fouling will cause the barrel to become dirty and fouled causing inaccuracy. These two are the most difficult to remove and are the greatest cause for the loss of accuracy in a firearm. However, many are not aware that carbon is probably the most difficult product of the firing cycle to remove from the barrel. Most of our Dads and Grand Dads didn't tell us about these problems because they probably were unaware of them, and they thought the product they used, was effective. In the past the removal of these types of barrel fouling has required highly aggressive chemicals such as acid and ammonia. These chemicals have been applied in the past on a patch or with a bore brush dipped in the solution. Then with large amounts of elbow-grease the brush was stroked back and forth through the barrel to scrub the fouling residues out. Then a patch was pushed through the bore, and it was checked for evidence of fouling or the lack thereof. This process is repeated until all evidence of fouling is no longer present on a patch. The standard practice has been to dunk a copper or bronze brush into the cleaner and stroke the cleaning rod the length of the bore. Worse to scrub the brush back and forth several times. Without a bore guide and a coated cleaning rod, this is a good way to damage the bore the throat (where most barrels wear out) and the crown. A good deal of the evidence of fouling removal comes from the bristles in the bore brush itself. This isn't the best way to increase barrel life. Many shooters have never been aware that anything more than a few quick passes with some solvent and a few patches were required to properly clean a fouled barrel. Barrels left in this condition will only continue to lose accuracy. SharpShoot R has seen rifles on the used rack which the owners assumed were "shot-out" , which when properly cleaned performed like they were new. When SharpShoot R examined some of these guns with a bore-scope, they could see fouling built up in layers like a black forest cake. Each of these would be a layer of powder fouling and carbon, usually with a layer of copper on top. I have seen firearms with six or seven of these layers built up. In every case when these guns were cleaned properly, the accuracy returned. | SharpShoot R: Wipe-Out, 5oz