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This is a beautiful Winchester 94AE that is number 9 of 10 for Jackson county Indiana. The left side of the stock is inscribed "Jackson county" and "burcham stuckwish hall", also engraved with a deer running. The left side of the reciever is engraved with murals pertaining to the history of Jackson Indians. The right side of the buttstock is engraved schields town bells ford 1869 with a covered bridge and scroll filter surrounding it. The right side of the reciever featured a boarder with southern Indiana center for the arts fort villonia days James shields freeman field muscatutack national wildlife refuge Tipton island blish mill 1858 hangman's crossing in a banner Reno gang/first train robbery in a banner Jackson county Indiana in a banner along with scenes of a hanged man, a train, and people working in a field.